Monday, July 20, 2015


Levels of Abstraction for VLSI

Levels of Abstraction for VHDL

VHDL can be used to describe electronic hardware at many different levels of abstraction. When considering the application of VHDL to FPGA/ASIC design.

VHDL has three levels of abstraction
1. Algorithm Level
2. Register Transfer Level (RTL)
3. Gate Level.

Algorithms are unsynthesizable, RTL is the input to synthesis, Gate level is the output from synthesis.

In terms of timing the differences between these are

A pure algorithm consists of a set of instructions that are executed in sequence to perform some task, hence has neither a clock nor detailed delays. The VHDL input may have to be constrained in some artificial way for some synthesis tools, perhaps through the presence of an ‘algorithm' clock. So the operations in the VHDL code can then be synchronized to this clock. Functions, Tasks are the main elements.

An RTL description has an explicit clock and all operations are scheduled to occur in specific clock cycles, but there are no detailed delays below the cycle level. A single global clock may be preferred. Retiming is a feature that allows operations to be re-scheduled across clock cycles. RTL specifies the characteristics of a circuit by operations and the transfer of data between the registers.

A gate level description consists of a network of gates and registers instanced from a technology library, which contains technology-specific delay information for each gate. The characteristics of a system are described by logical links and their timing properties. Signals have discrete logic values like (‘0’,’1’,’X’,’Z’). Gate level Primitives can be used to model the design.

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