In this modeling style, the behavior of the entity is expressed
using sequentially executed, procedural type code, that is very similar in
syntax and. semantics to that of a high-level programming language like C or
Pascal. A process statement is the primary mechanism used to model the
procedural type behavior of an entity.
Irrespective of the
modeling style used, every entity is represented using an entity declaration
and at least one architecture body.
Entity Declaration
An entity declaration describes the external interface of the
entity, that is, it gives the black-box view. It specifies the name of the
entity, the names of interface ports, their mode (i.e., direction), and the
type of ports. The syntax for an entity declaration is
entity entity-name is
[ generic ( list-of-generics-and-their-types ) ; ]
[ port ( list-of-interface-port-names-and-their-types) ;
[ entity-item-declarations ]
[ begin
entity-statements ]
end [ entity-name ];
The entity-name is the name of the entity and the interface
ports are the signals through which the entity passes information to and from
its external environment.
Each interface port can have one of the following modes:
in: the value of an input port can only be read within the entity
out: the value of an output port can only be updated within the
entity model; it cannot be read.
inout: the value of a bidirectional port can be read and updated
within the entity model.
buffer: the value of a buffer port can be read and updated within
the entity model. However, it differs from the inout mode in that it cannot
have more than one source and that the only kind of signal that can be
connected to it can be another buffer port or a signal with at most one source.
Declarations that
are placed in the entity-item-declarations section are common to all the
design units that are associated with that entity declaration (these may be
architecture bodies and configuration declarations).
Eg., An And-Or-Invert circuit.
entity AOI is
port (A, B, C, D: in BIT; Z: out BIT);
end AOI;
entity declaration specifies that the name of the entity is AOI and that it has
four input signals of type BIT and one output signal of type BIT.
it does not specify the composition or functionality of the entity.
Figure 15: An
Architecture Body
An architecture body describes the internal view
of an entity, which describes the functionality or the structure of the entity.
The syntax of an architecture body is
architecture architecture-name
of entity-name is
[ architecture-item-declarations ]
these are —>
end [ architecture-name
] ;
The concurrent statements describe the internal
composition of the entity.
All concurrent statements execute in parallel,
and therefore, their textual order of appearance within the architecture body
has no impact on the implied behavior.
The internal composition of an entity can be
expressed in terms of structure, dataflow and sequential behavior. These are
described using concurrent statements.
Eg., component instantiations are used to
express structure, concurrent signal assignment statements are used to express
dataflow and process statements are used to express sequential behavior.
Each concurrent statement is a different element
operating in parallel in a similar sense that individual gates of a design are
operating in parallel.
The item declarations declare items that are
available for use within the architecture body. The names of items declared in
the entity declaration, including ports and generics, are available for use
within the architecture body
due to the association of the entity name with
the architecture body by the statement
architecture architecture-name
of entity-name is
. . .
An entity can have many internal views, each of
which is described using a separate architecture body.
In general, an entity is represented using one
entity declaration (that provides the external view) and one or more
architecture bodies (that provide die internal view).
architecture AOI_CONCURRENT
of AOI is
Z <= not (
(A and B) or (C and D) );
architecture AOI_SEQUENTIAL
of AOI is
process (A, B, C,
TEMP1 := A and B; -- statement 1
TEMP2:=C and D; --statement 2
TEMP1 := TEMP1 or TEMP2; -- statement 3
Z<= not TEMP1;
--statement 4
end process;
The first architecture body, AOI_CONCURRENT,
describes the AOI entity using the dataflow style of modeling; the second
architecture body, AOI_SEQUENTIAL, uses the behavioral style of modeling.
A process statement, which is a concurrent
statement, is the primary mechanism used to describe the functionality of an
entity in this modeling style.
Process Statement
A process statement contains sequential
statements that describe the functionality of a portion of an entity in
sequential terms.
The syntax of a process statement is
[ process-label: ] process [ ( sensitivity-list
) ]
sequential-statements; these are ->
end process [
A set of signals that the process is sensitive
to is defined by the sensitivity list, i.e., each time an event occurs on any
of the signals in the sensitivity list, the sequential statements within the
process are executed in a sequential order, i.e., in the order in which they
appear (similar to statements in a high-level programming language like C or
The process then suspends after executing the
last sequential statement and waits for another event to occur on a signal in
the sensitivity list.
Items declared in the item declarations part are
available for use only within the process.
The architecture body, AOI_SEQUENTIAL, contains
one process statement, that has four signals in its sensitivity list and has
one variable declaration. If an event occurs on any of the signals, A, B, C, or
D, the process is executed. This is accomplished by executing statement I
first, then statement 2, followed by statement 3, and then statement 4. After
this, the process suspends (simulation does not stop, however) and waits for
another event to occur on a signal in the sensitivity list.
Variable Assignment Statement
Variables can be declared and used inside a
process statement.
A variable is assigned a value using the
variable assignment statement that typically has the form
variable-object := expression;
The expression is evaluated when the statement
is executed and the computed value is assigned to the variable object
instantaneously, i.e., at the current simulation time.
Variables are created at the time of elaboration
and retain their values throughout the entire simulation run, as a process is
never exited; it is either in an active state, that is, being executed, or in a
suspended state, i.e., waiting for a certain event to occur.
A process is first entered at the start of
simulation (actually, during the initialization phase of simulation) at which
time it is executed until it suspends because of a wait statement or a
sensitivity list.
process (A)
variable EVENTS_ON_A:
end process;
At start of simulation, the process is executed
once. The variable EVENTS_ON_A gets initialized to 0 and then incremented by 1.
After that, any time an event occurs on signal A, the process is activated and
the single variable assignment statement is executed. This causes the variable
EVENTS_ON_A to be incremented. At the end of simulation, variable EVENTS_ON_A
contains the total number of events that occurred on signal A plus one.
signal A, Z:
. . .
PZ: process (A) --PZ is a label for the process.
variable V1,
V1 := A - V2; --statement 1
Z <= - V1; --statement 2
V2 := Z+V1 * 2; -- statement 3
end process PZ;
If an event occurred on signal A at time T1 and
variable V2 was assigned a value, say 10, in statement 3, then when the next
time an event occurs on signal A, say at time T2, the value of V2 used in
statement 1 would still be 10.
Signal Assignment Statement
are assigned values using a signal assignment statement
simplest form
of a signal assignment statement is
signal-object <= expression [ after delay-value ];
A signal assignment statement can appear within
a process or outside of a process. If it occurs outside of a process, it is
considered to be a concurrent signal assignment statement. When a signal
assignment statement appears within a process, it is considered to be a
sequential signal assignment statement and is executed in sequence with respect
to the other sequential statements that appear within that process.
When a signal assignment statement is executed,
the value of the expression is computed and this value is scheduled to be
assigned to the signal after the specified delay.
Note: The expression is evaluated at the time the
statement is executed (which is the current simulation time) and not after the
specified delay. If no after clause is specified, the delay is assumed to be a
default delta delay.
"0010"; - Assign after a delta delay.
PAR <= PAR xor DIN after 12 ns;
Z <= (AO and A1) or (BO
and B1) or (CO and C1) after 6 ns;
Delta Delay
A delta delay is a very small delay
(infinitesimally small), which does not correspond to any real delay and actual
simulation time does not advance. It models hardware where a minimal amount of
time is needed for a change to occur, eg., in performing zero delay simulation.
Delta delay allows for ordering of events that
occur at the same simulation time during a simulation. Each unit of simulation
time can be considered to be composed of an infinite number of delta delays.
Therefore, an event always occurs at a real simulation time plus an integral
multiple of delta delays.
Eg., events can occur at 15 ns, 15 ns+1Δ, 15
ns+2Δ, 15 ns+3Δ, 22 ns, 22 ns+Δ, 27 ns, 27ns+Δ, and so on.
the AOI_SEQUENTIAL architecture body, assume that an event occurs on input
signal D (i.e., there is a change of value on signal D) at simulation time T.
Statement I is executed first and TEMPI is assigned a value immediately since
it is a variable. Statement 2 is executed next and TEMP2 is assigned a value
immediately. Statement 3 is executed next which uses the values of TEMPI and
TEMP2 computed in statements I and 2, respectively, to determine the new value
for TEMPI. And finally, statement 4 is executed that causes signal Z to get the
value of its right-hand-side expression after a delta delay, that is, signal Z
gets its value only at time T+A; as shown in Fig. 16.
Figure 16: Delta
Consider the process PZ, if an event occurs on signal A at time T,
execution of statement I causes VI to get a value, signal Z is then
scheduled to get a value at time T+A, and finally statement 3 is executed in
which the old value of signal Z is used, that is, its value at time T, not the
value that was scheduled to be assigned in statement 2. The reason for this is
because simulation time is still at time T and has not advanced to time T+A.
Later when simulation time advances to T+A, signal Z will get its
new value.
assignments cause variables to get their values instantaneously while signal
assignments cause signals to get their values at a later time (at least a delta
delay later).
Wait Statement
A process may be suspended by means of a sensitivity list, i.e.,
when a process has a sensitivity list, it always suspends after executing the
last sequential statement in the process.
The wait statement provides an alternate way to suspend the
execution of a process. There are three basic forms of the wait statement.
wait on sensitivity-list;
wait until boolean-expression ;
wait for time-expression ;
may also be combined in a single wait statement.
wait on sensitivity-list until boolean-expression for time-expression-,
wait on A, B, C; -- statement 1
wait until (A = B); -- statement 2
wait for 10ns; -- statement 3
wait on CLOCK for 20ns; -- statement 4
wait until (SUM > 100) for 50 ms; --
statement 5
In statement 1, the execution of the wait statement causes the
process to suspend and then it waits for an event to occur on signals A, B, or
C. Once that happens, the process resumes execution from the next statement
In statement 2, the process is suspended until the specified
condition becomes true. When an event occurs on signal A or B, the condition is
evaluated and if it is true, the process resumes execution from the next
statement onwards, otherwise, it suspends again.
When the wait statement in statement 3 is executed, say at time T,
the process suspends for 10 ns and when simulation time advances to T+10 ns,
the process resumes execution from the statement following the wait statement.
The execution of statement 4 causes the process to suspend and
then it waits for an event to occur on the signal CLOCK for 20 ns. If no event
occurs within 20 ns, the process resumes execution with the statement following
the wait. In the last statement, the process suspends for a maximum of 50 ms
until the value of signal SUM is greater than 100. The boolean condition is
evaluated every time there is an event on signal SUM. If the boolean condition
is not satisfied for 50 ms, the process resumes from the statement following the
wait statement.
If a process not to have an explicit sensitivity list, then the
process may have one or more wait statements.
A process must have at least one wait statement, otherwise, the
process will never get suspended and would remain in an infinite loop during
the initialization phase of simulation.
It is an error if both the sensitivity list and a wait statement
are present within a process. The presence of a sensitivity list in a process
implies the presence of an implicit "wait on sensitivity-list" statement
as the last statement in the process.
An equivalent process statement for the process statement in the
AOLSEQUENTIAL architecture body is
process -- No sensitivity list.
variable TEMP1 ,TEMP2: BIT;
TEMP1 :=A and B:
TEMP2 := C and D;
TEMP1 := TEMP1 or TEMP2;
Z<= not TEMP1;
wait on A, B, C, D; -- Replaces the sensitivity
end process;
Therefore, a process with a sensitivity list always suspends at
the end of the process and when reactivated due to an event, resumes execution
from the first statement in the process.
If Statement
An if statement selects a sequence of statements for execution
based on the value of a condition. The condition can be any expression that
evaluates to a boolean value.
if boolean-expressionthen
[ elsif boolean-expression then -- elsif clause;
if stmt can have 0 or
sequential-statements ] -- more elsif clauses.
[ else -- else clause.
sequential-statements ]
end if;
The if statement is executed by checking each condition
sequentially until the first true condition is found; then, the set of
sequential statements associated with this condition is executed. The if
statement can have zero or more elsif clauses and an optional else clause.
An if statement is also a sequential statement, and therefore, the
previous syntax allows for arbitrary nesting of if statements.
if SUM <= 100 then -- This
is a less-than-or-equal-to operator.
SUM := SUM+10;
end if;
if NICKEL_IN then
DEPOSITED <=TOTAL_10; --This"<=" is a signal
assignment operator.
DIME_IN then
elsif QUARTERJN then
end if;
if CTRLI = '1' then
if CTRL2 = '0' then
MUX_OUT<= "0010";
MUX_OUT<= "0001";
end if;
else if CTRL2 = '0' then
MUX_OUT <= "1000";
MUX_OUT <= "0100";
end if;
end if;
Eg., a 2-input nor gate using an if statement
entity NOR2 is
port (A, B: in
BIT; Z: out BIT);
end NOR2;
architecture NOR2
of NOR2 is -- Architecture body can have
-- same name as entity.
PI: process (A, B)
constant RISE_TIME:
TIME := 10 ns;
constant FALL_TIME:
TIME := 5 ns:
variable TEMP:
:= A nor B;
(TEMP = '1 ') then
<= TEMP after RISE_TIME;
end process PI;
end NOR2;
Case Statement
The case statement selects one of the branches
for execution based on the value of the expression. The expression value must
be of a discrete type or of a one-dimensional array type.
case expression is
when choices =>
sequential-statements -- branch
when choices =>
sequential-statements -- branch
-- Can have any number of branches.
[ when others => sequential-statements ] --
last branch
end case;
Choices may be expressed as single values, as a
range of values, by using | (vertical bar: represents an "or"), or by
using the others clause. All possible values of the expression must be covered
in the case statement. "The others clause can be used as a choice to cover
the "catch-all" values and, if present, must be the last branch in
the case statement.
type DOLLARS is
range 0 to 10;
variable DAY:
case DAY is
when TUE =>
POCKET_MONEY := 6; -- branch 1
when MON I WED =>
POCKET_MONEY := 2; -- branch 2
when FRI to SUN
=> POCKET_MONEY := 7; -- branch 3
when others => POCKET_MONEY
:= 0; -- branch 4
end case;
Branch 2 is chosen if DAY has the value of
either MON or WED. Branch 3 covers the values FRI, SAT, and SUN, while branch 4
covers the remaining value, THU. The case statement is also a sequential
statement and it is, therefore, possible to have nested case statements.
Eg., a 4*1 multiplexer using case statement
entity MUX is
port (A, B, C,
D: in BIT; CTRL: in BIT_VECTOR(0 to 1);
Z: out BIT);
end MUX;
architecture MUX_BEHAVIOR
of MUX is
constant MUX_DELAY:
TIME := 10 ns;
PMUX: process (A, B, C, D, CTRL)
"00" => TEMP := A:
"01" => TEMP := B;
"10" => TEMP := C;
"11" => TEMP := D;
<= TEMP after MUX_DELAY;
end process PMUX;
Null Statement
The statement
is a sequential statement that does not cause
any action to take place and execution continues with the next statement.
Eg., it can be used in an if statement or in a
case statement where for certain conditions, it may be useful or necessary to
explicitly specify that no action needs to be performed.
Loop Statement
A loop statement is used to iterate through a set of
sequential statements.
[ loop-label : ] iteration-scheme loop
end loop [
loop-label ] ;
There are three types of iteration schemes.
The first is the for
iteration scheme that has the form
for identifier in range
for NUMBER in
2 to N loop
end loop;
The body of the for loop is executed (N-1)
times, with the loop identifier, NUMBER, being incremented by I at the end of
each iteration. The object NUMBER is implicitly declared within the for loop to
belong to the integer type whose values are in the range 2 to N.
No explicit declaration for the loop identifier
is, therefore, necessary. The loop identifier, also, cannot be assigned any
value inside the for loop. If another variable with the same name exists outside the
for loop, these two variables are treated separately and the variable used
inside the for loop refers to the loop identifier.
The range in a for loop can also be a range of an enumeration type
such as
type HEXA is ('0', '1', '2', '3',
'4', ' 5', '6', '7', '8', '9', 'A', 'B', 'C', 'D', 'E', 'F'):
. . .
for NUM in HEXA'('9') downto HEXA'('0')
-- NUM will take values in type HEXA from
'9' through '0'.
. . .
end loop;
for CHAR in HEXA loop
-- CHAR will take all values in type HEXA from '0' through 'F'.
. . .
end loop;
Note: It is necessary to qualify the values being used for NUM
[e.g., HEXA'('9')] since the literals '0' through '9' are overloaded, once
being defined in type HEXA and the second time being defined in the predefined
The second form of the iteration scheme is the while scheme that
has the form
while boolean-expression
WH-LOOP: while J < 20 loop - This loop has a
label, WH_LOOP.
SUM := SUM * 2;
end loop;
The statements within the body of the loop are executed
sequentially and repeatedly as long as the loop condition, J < 20, is true.
At this point, execution continues with the statement following the loop
The third and final form of the iteration scheme is one where no
iteration scheme is specified.
In this form of loop statement, all statements in the loop
body are repeatedly executed until some other action causes it to exit the
loop. These actions can be caused by an exit statement, a next statement,
or a return statement.
L2: loop -- This loop also has a label.
SUM := SUM* 10;
exit when SUM > 100;
end loop L2; -- This loop label, if present, must be the same
-- as the initial loop label.
=> The exit statement causes the execution to jump out of loop
L2 when SUM becomes greater than 100.
If the exit statement were not present, the loop would execute
Exit Statement
It is a sequential statement that can be used only inside a loop
which causes execution to jump out of the innermost loop or the loop whose
label is specified.
exit [ loop-label] [ when condition
If no loop label is specified, the innermost loop is exited.
If the when clause is used, the specified loop is exited only if
the given condition is true, otherwise, execution continues with the next
SUM := 1; J := 0;
L3: loop
SUM := SUM* 10;
if (SUM > 100) then
exit L3; -- "exit;" also
would have been sufficient.
end if;
loop L3;
Next Statement
It is also a sequential statement that can be
used only inside a loop. The syntax is the same as that for the exit statement
except that the keyword next replaces the keyword exit.
next [ loop-label]
[ when condition ];
The next
statement results in skipping the remaining statements in the
current iteration of the specified loop and execution resumes with the first
statement in the next iteration of this loop.
If no loop label is specified, the innermost
loop is assumed.
In contrast to the exit statement that causes
the loop to be terminated (i.e., exits the specified loop), the next statement
causes the current loop iteration of the specified loop to be prematurely
terminated and execution resumes with the next iteration.
for J in 10
downto 5 loop
if (SUM <
:= SUM +2;
elsif (SUM =
end if;
end loop;
When the next statement is executed, execution
jumps to the end of the loop (the last statement, K := K+1, is not executed),
decrements the value of the loop identifier, J, and resumes loop execution with
this new value of J.
The next statement can also cause an inner loop
to be exited.
L4: for K in 10 downto 1 loop
--statements section 1
L5: loop
statements section 2
L4 when WR_DONE = '1';
statements section 3
end loop L5;
statements section 4
end loop L4;
When WR_DONE = 1' becomes true, statements
sections 3 and 4 are skipped and execution jumps to the beginning of the next
iteration of loop L4.
Note: The loop L5 was terminated because of the
result of next statement.
Assertion Statement
Assertion statements are useful in modeling
constraints of an entity.
Eg., to check if a signal value lies within a
specified range, or check the setup and hold times for signals arriving at the
inputs of an entity. If the check fails, an error is reported.
assert boolean-expression
[ report string-expression ]
[ severity expression ]:
If the value of the boolean expression is false,
the report message is printed along with the severity level. The expression in
the severity clause must generate a value of type SEVERTTY_LEVEL (a predefined
enumerated type in the language with values NOTE, WARNING, ERROR, and FAILURE).
The severity level is typically used by a
simulator to initiate appropriate actions depending on its value.
Eg., if the severity level is ERROR, the
simulator may abort the simulation process and provide relevant diagnostic
At the very least, the severity level is
Eg., a D-type rising-edge-triggered flip-flop
that uses assertion statements to check for setup and hold times.
entity DFF is
port (D, CK: in
BIT: Q, NOTQ: out BIT);
end DFF;
architecture CHECK_TIMES
of DFF is
constant HOLD_TIME:
TIME := 5 ns;
constant SETUP_TIME:
TIME := 3 ns;
process (D, CK)
variable LastEventOnD,
LastEventOnCk: TIME;
for hold time:
D' EVENT then
(NOW = 0ns) or
- LastEventOnCk) >= HOLD_TIME)
report "Hold
time too short!"
:= NOW;
Check for setup time:
(CK = '1') and CK'EVENT then
(NOW = 0ns) or
((NOW - LastEventOnD) >= SETUP_TIME)
report "Setup
time too short!"
:= NOW;
Behavior of FF:
(CK = '1' ) and CK'EVENT then
<= not D;
end process;
EVENT is a predefined attribute of a signal and
is true if an event (a change of value) occurred on that signal at the time the
value of the attribute is determined.
NOW is a predefined function that returns the
current simulation time.
The process is sensitive to signals D and CK.
When an event occurs on either of these signals, the first if statement is
executed. This checks to see if an event occurred on D. If so, the assertion is
checked to make sure that the difference between the current simulation time
and the last time an event occurred on signal CK is greater than a constant
HOLD_TIME delay. If not, a report message is printed and the severity level is
returned to the simulator.
Similarly, the next if statement checks for the
setup time. The last if statement describes the latch behavior of the
D-type flip-flop. The setup and hold times have been modeled as constants which
could also be modeled as generic parameters of the flip-flop.
Eg., an assertion statement to check for spikes
at the input of an inverter.
package PACK1 is
constant MIN_PULSE:
TIME := 5 ns;
TIME := 10 ns;
end PACK1;
use WORK.PACK1.all;
entity INV is
port (A: in BIT;
NOT_A: out BIT):
end INV;
architecture CHECK_INV
of INV is
process (A)
LastEventOnA: TIME := 0 ns;
(NOW = 0ns) or
((NOW - LastEventOnA) >= MIN_PULSE)
report "Spike
detected on input of inverter"
:= NOW:
NOT_A <= not A after PROPAGATE_DLY;
end process;
assert (DATA <= 255)
report "Data out of range.';
assert (CLK = '0') or (CLK = '1');
--CLK is of type ('X', '0', 'I ', 'Z').
In the last assertion statement, the default report message
"Assertion violation" is printed. The default severity level is ERROR
if the severity clause is not specified.
Signal Assignment Statement
Aside from the delta delay model, there are two other types of
delay models that can be used with signal assignments, inertial and transport.
1. Inertial Delay Model
Inertial delay models the delays often found in switching circuits which
represents the time for which an input value must be stable before the value is
allowed to propagate to the output. In addition, the value appears at the
output after the specified delay.
If the input is not stable for the specified time, no output
change occurs. When used with signal assignments, the input value is
represented by the value of the expression on the right-hand-side and the
output is represented by the target signal.
a noninverting buffer with an inertial delay of 10 ns.
Figure 17: Inertial Delay
Events on signal A that occur at 5 ns and 8 ns are not stable for the inertial delay duration and hence do not propagate to the output. Event on A at 10ns remains stable for more than the inertial delay, and therefore, the value is propagated to the target signal Z after the inertial delay; Z gets the value 1' at 20 ns. Events on signal A at 25ns and 28 ns do not affect the output since they are not stable for the inertial delay duration. Transition 1' to '0' at time 30 ns on signal A remains stable for at least the inertial delay duration, and therefore, a '0' is propagated to signal Z with a delay of 10 ns; Z gets the new value at 40 ns. Other events on A do not affect the target signal Z.
Since inertial delay is most commonly found in digital circuits,
it is the default delay model. This delay model is often used to filter out
unwanted spikes and transients on signals.
2. Transport Delay Model
delay models
the delays in hardware that do not exhibit any inertial delay. This delay
represents pure propagation delay, i.e., any changes on an input is transported
to the output, no matter how small, after the specified delay. To use a
transport delay model, the keyword transport must be used in a signal
assignment statement.
a noninverting buffer using a transport delay of 10 ns.
Figure 18:
Transport Delay
Ideal delay modeling can be obtained by using this delay model. In
this case, spikes would be propagated through instead of being ignored as in
the inertial delay case. Routing delays can be modeled using transport delay.
Eg., a routing delay model is
Entity WIRE14 is
(A: in BIT; Z: out BIT);
end WIRE14;
architedture WIRE14_TRANSPORT
of WIRE14 is
process (A)
<= transport A after 0.1 ms;
end process;
3. Creating Signal Waveforms
It is possible to assign multiple values to a
signal, each with a different delay value.
PHASE1 <= '0', '1' after 8
ns, '0' after 13 ns, '1' after 50 ns;
When this signal assignment statement is
executed, say at time T, it causes four values to be scheduled for signal
PHASEl, the value '0' is scheduled to be assigned at time T+A, 1' at T+8 ns,
'0' at T+13 ns, and 1' at T+50 ns. Thus, a waveform appears on the signal
PHASEl as shown in Fig. 4.5.
19: A Signal Waveform
A more general syntax of a signal assignment
statement is
signal-object <=
waveform-element, waveform-element,
Can have any number of waveform elements.
Each waveform element has a value part, specified by an expression
(called the waveform expression), and a delay part, specified by an after
clause that specifies the delay. The delays in the waveform elements must
appear in increasing order.
A waveform element is of the form
expression after time-expression
Any arbitrary waveform can, therefore, be easily created using a
signal assignment statement.
Other Sequential Statements
There are two other forms of sequential statements
1. Procedure call
2. Return